List of bases
Head office

■Head office
The location: 〒 706-0025 13-27, Myojincho, Tamano-shi, Okayama
The location: 〒 706-0025 13-27, Myojincho, Tamano-shi, Okayama
[generalization sales department] (general window) TEL: 0863-81-7377
[generalization engineering part] (design) TEL: 0863-81-7378
[production construction department construction] (marine construction) TEL: 0863-81-7379
[electric control department] (electric construction) TEL: 0863-81-7379
[kikakushitsujushashitsu] (multi-pillow block car) TEL: 0863-81-7379
[Finance and Accounting Department] (the accounting) TEL: 0863-81-7450
[soyasuei, the general affairs department] (general affairs, adoption) TEL: 0863-81-7448
Hibi plant
■Hibi factory
The location: 〒 706-0027 4-10-4, Hibi, Tamano-shi, Okayama
The location: 〒 706-0027 4-10-4, Hibi, Tamano-shi, Okayama
[production construction department production] (can manufacturing processing) TEL: 0863-81-1723
[production construction part heavy industrial machine vehicle] (crane, trailer) TEL: 0863-81-1723
[plant Division] (land construction) TEL: 0863-81-5550
Logistics Department

■Shipping room Okayama office
The location: 〒 706-0001 6-1-7, Tai, Tamano-shi, Okayama
TEL: 0863-32-5600
FAX: 0863-32-5300
The location: 〒 706-0001 6-1-7, Tai, Tamano-shi, Okayama
TEL: 0863-32-5600
FAX: 0863-32-5300
■Shipping room Kanto office
The location: 〒 226-0025 851-13, Tookaichibacho, Midori-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa
River mouth building 2F Room 200
TEL: 045-988-6699
■Shipping room Okazaki office
The location: 〒 444-0054 91-5, Tamachi, Okazaki-shi, Aichi
K S corner and 1F
TEL: 0564-21-0690
Oita office
■Oita office
Address: 3F, Genba House in Mitsui E&S machinery Co., Ltd., 3, Hiyoshibaru, Oita-shi, Oita, 870-0395, Japan
TEL: +81-97-547-7237
TEL: +81-97-547-8126
Address: 3F, Genba House in Mitsui E&S machinery Co., Ltd., 3, Hiyoshibaru, Oita-shi, Oita, 870-0395, Japan
TEL: +81-97-547-7237
TEL: +81-97-547-8126